Are your Brainstormings empowering your product development?

Do you understand how to come up with new ideas for products and bring them to the next level?  Are you tired of staring at blank sheets of paper and second guessing if your ideas are any good?

ZenStorming(TM) will bring your creative efforts to the next level

Over the years I’ve created and leveraged systems that result in repeatability in your creative efforts.   There are tools and techniques that psychologists and scientists have been studying for years, and I continue to research and use the best of these to drive product ideation.

From Ideation to Innovation

Many people tend to treat innovation and creativity as two entities, related, but not the same thing.  I like to look at innovation as applied creativity.  But, more important than the semantic distinctions, innovation models can be used to drive creative product development!

Find out from the customer what values you want to deliver and then brainstorm for ways to create that value.  Sometimes it will result in a product, sometimes a service.  But it’s important you understand what it is you want to do and then be bold enough to pursue that path.


There are tools that make this innovation process repeatable.

You’ll find those tools and approaches here!

Please feel free to browse, and most of all, ask questions and contribute!  Please let me know what you need, what you like, what you hate, and I’ll do my darndest to make it happen.

Here’s to innovation!

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Stay updated on when I release new creativity/innovation tools!

(Mike) was a constant source of fresh ideas and concepts. (His) mind is always busy trying to grasp and create the next new idea to drive the market forward. His upbeat personality and love of life make him a terrific addition to any team.”
– Rick Doucette, Global Market Manager, Cardinal Health

“Mike is truly a gifted individual both intellectually and socially. His ability to bring together people and ideas is unmatched. I would invite you to utilize his talents and expertise when an opportunity presents itself.”
– Fred Stupen, Executive Director, Asset Builders Community Development